
Evaluate the Buttock’s shape

When undergoing butt augmentation with implants, patients will be presented with a variety of options. Some of these include shape (round and oval); filling (cohesive silicone or solid silicone); and surface (type, smooth or textured). Our surgeons typically uses the smooth, round, solid silicone butt implants. Another important factor to consider is incision location. The three locations include: toward the top on both sides of the upper buttock; toward the bottom in both of the gluteal creases, where your “cheeks” meets the top of the thighs; and down the center of the sacrum, which is a vertical incision down the buttocks crease. Our Doctors will discuss these in further detail with you during your visit.

The Perfect Rotunda Buttocks

Before (Flat Buttocks)

Before (Flat Buttocks)

After (Rotunda Buttocks)

After (Rotunda Buttocks)

There are other variables, such as size, shape, and skin quality, that need to be considered before making any determinations about which butt augmentation procedure is best for you.* If you are thin and wear a size two to four dress, you may not have enough bodily fat to spare for the fat transfer butt enhancement method; therefore, in order to create a new, curvier rear, you would have to receive butt implants.*

When evaluating the shape of the buttock, we divide its anatomy into three sections; the upper buttock, the mid-buttock and the lower buttock. Each area needs to be evaluated and addressed separately to provide the best gluteal harmony.*

When a gluteal enhancement is done, the implant is mainly augmenting the upper buttock and the upper portion of the mid buttock. It will not fill out the other areas. In the majority of patients, a careful analysis of the middle and lower buttock needs to be made. Complementary procedures may be required in order to improve the overall shape.*

(See Our Gallery of Before and After Pictures) 

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary, each individual’s treatment and/or results may vary depending on numerous factors including a person's individual health, genetics and age. Multiple surgeries may be need to achieve desired results. Content on our website is provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Any statements made by any person(s) within this site are not intended to substitute for an in-person Doctor-Patient relationship or as a guarantee of any particular outcomes. Examples of treatment outcomes in this website are not intended to convey and warranty, either express or implied, any outcomes guarantees, benefits, or results from these treatments. Any potential patient should consider each of these treatments after assessing all risks and benefits of such procedures and after a thorough in-person evaluation by a qualified licensed medical health professional certified to perform these specific procedures.  Please consult a healthcare provider if you have any questions about a particular health condition. Use of this site constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of these limitations and disclaimers. Further dissemination of this information from this site is prohibited without express written approval from Body Arts & Science Center LLC.